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Study and exam requirement in biochemistry: 2018/19
Program (lectures and practices):
Topic lists:
Exam starts at
Szent-Györgyi Albert Educational Center “Nagyoktatasi”, Dóm tér 13, floor
4, lab 49 with written (5-structure) entrance graded 0-5. For a successful entrance student should hit at least 2 points
in the written
entrance AND collect at least 9 point
together with the 3 MTOs. In
the oral ESE students present 3 theoretical topics:
1. topic #1: general biochemistry (1st MTO)
and last 2 weeks
2. topic #2:
intermedier biochemistry of carbohydrates
and lipids
3. topic #3:
intermedier biochemistry of amino
acids and nucleic acids
Students have
to present ID or passport, printed Neptun sheet, and Biochem I labnotes.
Handouts for lectures and practicals:
Compulsory elective courses:
Practical notes:
Biochmeistry Practicals (Notes)
Editors: Görbe A, Keresztes M, Márki-Zay J
978 963 226 547 6
Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt.,
Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry
Lehninger's Principles of Biochemistry
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Biochemistry
Edited by Csonka Csaba, last updated Sep
9, 2018