Associate professor, Group Leader


Name: Aniko Keller-Pinter MD PhD

Nationality: Hungarian    E-mail:



2022  Habilitation - theoretical medicine, University of Szeged (23/2022)

2010   PhD degree - theoretical medicine, Semmelweis University, Budapest

graduated with "summa cum laude" (1506/2010)

2003-2007 PhD student, 2nd Department of Pathology, Semmelweis University, Budapest

2003   Doctor of General Medicine, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary

           graduated with "summa cum laude"(174/2003)

1997-2003 Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary



Department of Biochemistry, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical School, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary 2023- associate professor, 2019-2023 senior research fellow, 2016-2019 assistant professor, 2010-2016 research fellow, 2007-2010 research assistant

Department of Internal Medicine, 2024- medical doctor



2024 Kuno Klebelsberg prize

2023 Outstanding supervisor in student scientific research - Faculty award (awarded by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged)

2019-2022 New National Excellence Programme Bolyai+ Scholarship (awarded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary)

2019-2022 Janos Bolyai Research Scholarship

(awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – evaluation: outstanding)

2021 Outstanding supervisor in student scientific research

2019 Outstanding supervisor in student scientific research

2017 Scholarship of the New National Excellence Programme (Hungary)

2016 Poster award (46th Membrane Transport Conference, Sumeg, Hungary)

2015 National Excellence Award (awarded by the National Excellence Programme, Hungary)

2014 “Best practical teacher” award (awarded by 2nd year medical students, University of Szeged)

2013-2014 Zoltan Magyary Postdoctoral Fellowship

2012 Nature Cell Biology best poster prize („Cell Polarity and Membrane Traffic” ESF-EMBO conference)

2012 Poster award (42nd Membrane Transport Conference, Sumeg, Hungary)

2008 Elsevier Subscription Prize - poster prize (13th Congress of World Muscle Society)

2006-2007 Fellowship of the Gedeon Richter Centenary Foundation (predoctoral fellowship)

2003 Excellent Student Researcher Award, Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary)

2002 Antal Genersich Award (Hungarian award on pathology research for medical students)

2002 Dr Imre Haynal award (award of Semmelweis University for clinical research, Budapest, Hungary)

2001-2003 Fellowship of the Hungarian Republic

2001-2003 Students’ Scientific Conference of Semmelweis University 1st prize: 2, 2nd prize: 3

2001-2002 Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary) Rector’s Award 1st prize: 2

2001 Dean’s honor - Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine

2000-2003 Student Fellowship of Józsefváros (awarded by Municipality of Budapest’s district, Józsefváros)



2017, 2016, 2011, 2007, and 2006 EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization)travel grants

2014, 2012, and 2009 European Science Foundation travel grants

2011, 2009, 2008 Travel fellowships of the World Muscle Society

2011, 2010, 2008, 2007, and 2006 FEBS (Federation of European Biochemical Societies) Youth Travel grants



EMBO Laboratory Management Course (Leimen, Germany, 2017)

Young Leaders Forum – think.BDPST „Connect to the future” (Budapest, 27-31 May 2017)

University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Cell Biology (1 week, November 2013)

European Molecular Biology Laboratory „Current Methods in Cell Biology” EMBO practical course (Heidelberg, Germany, 2011)



Memberships: 2024- Hungarian Diabetes Association, 2017- Hungarian Genetics Society; 2012- Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; 2012- European Society for Muscle Research; 2012-2018 Working Committee on Clinical Chemistry, Committee on Analytical Chemistry,Section of Chemical Sciences,Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2011- European Cytoskeleton Forum; 2011- Hungarian Physiological Society; 2008- World Muscle Society; 2007- Hungarian Biochemical Society

Positions: 2023- Member of the Board of Membrane Transport Conferences
2012-2018 secretary of the Working Committee on Clinical Chemistry, Committee on Analytical Chemistry,Section of Chemical Sciences,Hungarian Academy of Sciences



Research grant of the Centre of Excellence for Interdisciplinary Research, Development and Innovation at University of Szeged (16 01 2024 – 15 01 2027)

TKP2021-EGA-28 „Translational biomedicine” New therapeutic approaches to decrease laryngeal fibrosis and increase volume of atrophied laryngeal muscles” (01 01 2022 – 31 12 2025; 30 000 000 HUF) – principal investigator

NKFI FK 134684 „Nanoscale changes, nanosized vesicles, and nanotechnological approaches in the regeneration, adaptation, and metabolism of skeletal muscle from stem cells to therapeutic application” (01 09 2020 - 31 08 2024; 39996000 HUF) - principal investigator

NKFI K 132782 „The analysis of sarcomere structure and assembly mechanisms at the nanoscale level” (01 12 2019 – 30 11 2023) - investigator

NKFI K 132446 „Minimal invasive treatment of benign and malignant oto-rhino-laryngological diseases with nanostructured drug release systems” (01 12 2019 – 30 11 2023) - investigator

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi research grant of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, „New nanotechnological approaches for local treatment of atrophic laryngeal diseases” (01 02 2019 – 31 02 2021; 10000000 HUF) - principal investigator

EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00006 (LIVE LONGER) (01 09 2017 – 29 11 2020)principal investigator, topic: „Investigation of mechanisms regulating the trafficking of GLUT4 glucose transporter”

GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00040 (MYOTeam) (01 02 2017 – 30 09 2021) principal investigator, topic: „Molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle regeneration” (60125000 HUF) and project coordinator of the consortium (999932 000 HUF)

TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-13/1/KONV-2014-0001 coordinator of the e-learning curriculum development and deputy project leader at University of Szeged (01 05 2014 – 30 11 2015; 861091000 HUF)

others: TÁMOP-4.2.6-15/1-2015-0002 investigator, coordinator of the Department; TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0035 principal investigator; TÁMOP 4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0012 investigator; HURO/0901/069/2.3.1 investigator; TÁMOP 4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0005 investigator; TÁMOP-4.2.2-08/1-2008-0013 investigator; RET-08/2004 OMFB-0066/2005 DNT investigator; OTKA 49559 investigator



Academic partners: Prof. Dr. László Rovó (Dept. of Oto-Rhino- Laryngology and Head- Neck Surgery, Univ. of Szeged); Prof. Dr. László Csernoch, Dr. Péter Szentesi (Dept. of Physiology, Univ. of Debrecen); Prof. Dr. Csaba Lengyel (Dept. of Internal Medicine, Univ. of Szeged), Prof. Dr. Miklós Erdélyi (Dept. of Optics and Quantum Electronics, Univ. of Szeged); Dr. György Trencsényi (Dept. of Medical Imaging, Univ. of Debrecen); Dr. László Juhász (Inst. of Surgical Research, Szeged); Dr. Zoltán Szabó (Dept. of Med. Chemistry, Univ. of Szeged); Dr. Péter Horváth (HUN-REN BRC Inst. of Biochemistry); Dr. Attila Gergely Végh (HUN-REN BRC Inst. of Biophysics); Dr. Gábor Balogh, Dr. Mária, Péter, Prof. Dr. László Vigh (HUN-REN BRC); Prof. Dr. Edit Buzás (Semmelweis University DGCI); Dr. Viktoria Zsiros (Dept. of Anatomy, Semmelweis University); Dr. Judit Halász (Dept. of 2nd Pathology, Semmelweis University); Prof. Dr. András Lukács, Prof. Dr. Miklós Nyitrai (PTE, Dept. of Biophysics); Prof. Dr. Tibor Vellai (ELTE Dept. of Genetics); Dr. László Homolya (HUN-REN Inst. of Enzymology); Ning Liu, Lin Xu (Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas), Prof. Dr. Michael Rudnicki (Univ. of Ottawa, Regenerative Medicine Program); Dr. James Whiteford (William Harvey Research Institute, London)

Industrial partners: Dr. László Puskás (Avidin Ltd, Szeged), Prof. Dr. László Korányi, Dr. Márta Vitai (Drug Research Center, Balatonfüred)



Supervision of PhD students:9 students, University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Medical Sciences

  • PhD students who obtained their degrees (4 students): Zoltán Márton Köhler (2024), Kitti Szabó (2022), Dániel Becsky (2021), Tamás Kocsis (2017)
  • Present PhD students (5 students): Balázs Szenci-Kaszás (2024-), Éva Tóth MD (2021-), Ágnes Szalenko-Tőkés MD (2022-), Enikő Tóth (2022-), Barnabás Horváth (2022-)

Supervision of MD/MSc theses(14 theses): 2023 Balázs Szenci-Kaszas, 2022 Barnabás Horváth, 2022 Mercédesz Kovács, 2022 Szuzina Fazekas, 2021 Enikő Tóth, 2021 Éva Tóth, 2020 Annamária Petrilla, 2018 Ágnes Szalenko-Tőkés, 2017 Dániel Becsky, 2015 Alexandra Demcsák, 2015 Csenge Csorba, 2015 Beáta Diósi, 2015 Hanna Ágota Fodor, 2011 Tamás Kocsis

Supervision of students’ scientific research(26 students)

Norman Tanner (2022-), Dóra Szabó (2022-), Bernadett Gulyás (2021-2022), Bendegúz Kurucz (2021), Hanna Kugler (2021), Mercédesz Kovacs (2021-2022), Barnabás Horváth (2021-2022), Enikő Tóth (2020-2022), Kira Dakos (2020-), Máté Páti (2018-2019), Patrik Antal (2018-2019), Balázs Szenci-Kaszás (2018-), Éva Tóth (2017-2022), Szuzina Fazekas (2016-), Annamária Petrilla (2016-2020), Arbel Golan (2016-2017), Dániel Becsky (2015-2017), Ágnes Szalenko-Tőkés (2014-2018), Alexandra Demcsák (2011-2015), Csenge Csorba (2011-2015), Beáta Diósi (2011-2015), Hanna Ágota Fodor (2011-2015), Flóra Szántó (2014), Assaf Regev (2010-2011), Tamás Kocsis (2007-2011)

Results: National Scientific Student Conference (OTDK)number of presentations: 15; 1stprizes: 3; 2ndprizes: 3; special prizes: 3; Scientific Student Conference (TDK)number of presentations: 34; 1stprizes: 7; 2ndprizes: 8; 3rdprizes: 8; special prize: 1; Competition for Student Researcher Society Essays:1stprizes: 3

Mentor of the National Academy of Scientific Education(

  • Junior mentor (2017-2021), mentor (2022-)
  • Supervised students: Norman Tanner (2022-), Dóra Szabó (2022-), Szuzina Fazekas (2017-2022), Balázs Szenci-Kaszás (2018-2019)



Postgraduate education: 

  • Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Medical Sciences, University of Szeged: PhD supervisor (2012-), core member (2023-), examination on entrance and complex exams, lectures for PhD students in Hungarian (2012-) and English (2020-) language programmes, participation in general management of the education at the Doctoral School and Biochemistry course organization
  • Reviewer of PhD theses, secretary or member of theses defense committees

Graduate education: 

  • Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, University of Szeged: 2008-2020, 2022, 2023- practical classes, seminars, and lectures in biochemistry for medical students; oral and written examinations - Hungarian and English language programmes
  • Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged: 2016-17, 2021-22: supervision of MSc thesis
  • Coordination of the e-learning curriculum development of University of Szeged, deputy project leader (2014-2015, project No. TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-13/1/KONV-2014-0001)


Muscle Adaptation Research Group, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical School, University of Szeged

Current group members: postdoctor: Dr. Fanni Tóth, students: Barnabás Horváth, Enikő Tóth, Dr. Ágnes Szalenko-Tőkés, Dr. Éva Tóth, Dr. Balázs Szenci-Kaszás; Graduate students: Dóra Szabó, Norman Tanner; technician: Zsófia Kata Hegedűs



In extenso papers: 28; Citations: 806 (Google Scholar), Hirsch index: 14; International patents: 3

Oral presentations at scientific conferences: 30, Posters: 108, Abstracts: 115

ResearcherID: A-9608-2013, ORCID: 0000-0002-4105-8458



  • Myogenesis and muscle regeneration. Investigation the biology of satellite (stem) cell. Mechanisms regulating division of satellite cells. Oncogenesis in skeletal muscle.
  • Molecular mechanisms regulating skeletal muscle mass. New therapeutic approaches for the local treatment of atrophic laryngeal diseases to increase muscle size.
  • New possibilities for the treatment of laryngeal fibrosis.
  • Metabolic role of skeletal muscle, glucose uptake of muscle tissue, and insulin resistance. Identification of new signalling pathways and drug candidates influencing glucose uptake of skeletal muscle.
  • Signalling pathways in cell polarity and cell migration. Molecular mechanisms of exosome formation and uptake by cells. The role of syndecan-4 in exosome biogenesis and uptake.



  • Drug Research Center (DRC; Balatonfüred, Hungary; Prof. Dr. László Korányi – managing director)
  • MedRes Ltd. (Medical Research Engineering Ltd.) –