F A C U L T Y O F M E D I C I N E I V . Y E A R
2015-2021: Bonyhád Petőfi Sándor Lutheran Secondary School and Dormitory
2021-present: University of Szeged, Szent- Györgyi Albert Faculty of Medicine
Awards and sholarships
2021: SZTE START Scholarship
2022: 1st place at the SZAOK Scientific Students’ Association (TDK) Conference 2022: 3rd place at the SZAOK TDK Conference
2023: 1st place at the National Scientific Students’ Conference (OTDK)
2023: SZTE Talent Scholarship, Silver Level 2023: Special Award at the SZAOK TDK Conference
2023: New National Excellence Program (ÚNKP) Scholarship
2024: SZTE Talent Scholarship, Silver Level 2024: VIATRIS - TDK Excellence Scholarship
2024: EKÖP Scholarship
2024: SZTE Outstanding Academic Scholarship
2024: Award from the Eötvös Loránd Collegians’ Foundation
2024: 2nd place at the SZAOK TDK Conference
Conference presentations and posters
2023: Participation in the Banga Ilona Memorial Conference
2023: Participation in the 5th Cell, Developmental, and Stem Cell Biology Conference
2024: Participation in the 53rd Membrane Transport Conference
2024: Participation in the 6th Cell, Developmental, and Stem Cell Biology Conference
Teaching experience
Since 2023: Demonstrator at the Institute of Medical Biochemistry, participating in both English and Hungarian language education
Language skills
B2 Level English Language Exam Medical English Proficiency